Mortys in Morty Town
One of my personal favorites, in this Morty Town illustration i decided to go back to one of my favorite episodes from the show “Tales from the Citadel”, i always liked the concept of Morty Town, the Morty Town Locos, the different versions of Morty Smith, each from their own respective dimensions, the capitalist dystopia that was the Citadel of Ricks and i decided to take a scene from that episode and remake it on Procreate, while adding my own favorite personas and versions of Morty in the artwork, sort of a mashup of Mortys.
The making of it didn’t go that smooth though, it started as a simple mashup with no background (which was rejected), and then i had to rethink my own composition and cut down a few Mortys that might have been a bit too much or i didn’t have enough space for them, like Fascist Morty and the unstoppable science fiction boy to name a few.
Rick and Morty Forever & Forever a 100 years
Second version of this artwork that i finished during Season 4, the initial draft was similar but had no meeseeks, fart, or a random talking cat, just a few clouds and a number of stars, i decided it needed more so i ended up adding a few fan favorite characters like Fart the gaseous being from Mortynight Run, Mr.Meeseeks from Meeseeks & Destroy and the talking cat from Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty from Season 4.
I always wanted to create some fan art revolving around Mr.Meeseeks and the Meeseeks Box, hopefully i’ll make even more in the future, there have been some good ideas popping in my head.
The Old Man and the Seat
The Old Man and The Seat from Season 4, a Rick and Morty episode with a reference to “the old man and the sea” novel, the episode had it’s moments, but what was truly breathtaking about it was the scene briefly shown at the start of the episode, where Rick Sanchez first visits the planet where his “special pooping place” exists, it was something that i had to capture and recreate in my own way, and the personal space text was just a reference to the Interdimensional Cable episode. I had a few other ideas like drawing him with the hat saying “king of shit”, drawing the scenery without Rick Sanchez, drawing the grass field only, and a few other ideas. In the end i felt this was the best way to capture the scenery portrayed in the episode.
Rise of the Snakes
Inspired by another one of my favorite episodes from Rick and Morty Season 4, Rattlestar Ricklactica was a hilarious episode full of Terminator and Back to the Future references and i couldn’t pass on the opportunity of creating a straight out Rise of the Machines movie reference with a “Rise of the Snakes” design, unfortunately this is one of, if not the only, detailed artwork of mine that did not get licensed, not surprised as it’s referencing another IP too closely and would be a licensing nuisance.
Or they could have simply not liked it, anyways, hope you like it, enjoy it while it collects digital dust on my computer’s hard drive.
I always wanted to create one of those galaxy artworks with Rick and Morty only as silhouettes, even though they were done to death so much. So here is my attempt, a bit subtle in my opinion, lacks aliens, some weird looking spaceships, and the odd planets.
So, will i make an actual effort the next time i create a Rick and Morty space artwork? maybe, i still have to play with Marmoset Hexels 3, might decide to make something extremely outlandish with it, like imagine “square planets”, ingenious i know.
Rick and Morty on an Adventure
An illustration i created using Procreate, it was the first Fan Art that i made with a certain style, a number of people liked the rough draft of this version, and it made me want to create a series of designs with the same style to see how far i can take it.
This here is one of 2 final versions that i finished during Season 4 of Rick and Morty, you can tell by the random talking cat thrown into the artwork, why did i include it? well, don’t ask questions, just have fun.
Story Train
A Rick and Morty artwork i made inspired by the Story Train from the Never Ricking Morty episode, it wasn’t one of the best episodes from season 4 but i did like the sense of capitalism in it /s
I made 2 versions of this (well 4 really), one was a proper poster/advertisement for the Story Train so you can buy it and taste the true flavor of capitalism and one was to go with the series of circular designs that i have been doing for a while now, i also made black and white versions of both styles because why not.
Glorzo Magazine Poster
In each season of the show i would do something different in terms of fan art, some i’d take a few things from the episodes and create an artwork around them, some i’d create one artwork per episode, and other were more complex.
For Rick and Morty Season 4, i wanted to create an artwork per episode, i almost succeeded if not for a few extremely lame ones, like what was that dragon episode, alas, this Poster design is basically a remake of the cover of Glorzo Magazine from the episode Promortyus, i threw in a joke in the artwork while maintaining the “Glorzo is Peace” slogan.
The Vat of Acid Poster
After watching the Vat of Acid episode from Rick and Morty Season 4 i had an idea of creating a poster for a fake Vat of Acid, the idea kept lingering for a while but i finally decided on doing it after the episode got nominated for an Emmy award, first i had to think of the right composition, take in details from the “features” mentioned by Rick Sanchez and then make up some nonsensical marketing text to go with the ridiculousness of the fake vat of acid.
I got stuck in the composition the longest to be frank, but i am glad i wrapped it up, i swear Rick and Morty episodes are either hit or miss, some have amazing writing and some are just like …
Poker Rick
Many people have made Rick and Morty poker card designs, so i haven’t really reinvented the wheel here but i wanted to try my hand at them, the first version had Wubba Lubba dub-dub written next to the K, referencing Tiny Rick from the Big Trouble In Little Sanchez episode, i wanted to portray that Rick Sanchez was actually stuck inside the card and the Wubba Lubba dub dub was his way of telling everyone else that he was trapped in it and “in pain”.
I removed it because well, it didn’t look that good, and my deep meaning behind creating the artwork fell flat as many people didn’t get the reference to begin with. I probably need to keep my Fan Art less “complex”.
Rick and Morty
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