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Ziad Alhaddad is a Palestinian born in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Having been raised in an art loving family, much of his childhood was spent pursuing the passion of art through the means of school projects and personal ambitions. Often, spending hours on end perfecting his craft, maintaining utmost attention to detail on his pursuit to perfection. Drawing inspiration from two of the greatest artists of his world, his mother and sister, often learning techniques which far surpassed not even his age limited ability, but also understanding. In school, it was a time of peace and exhilaration, attending art class to further add finesse to what were the fruits of his determination and strive. It came as a tough blow when the class was altogether cancelled from the course, as his school believed not in the fine arts as an essential part to the development and thrive of it’s students.

This love eventually became a lost world, as with the progression of age, Ziad stepped foot in career choices and tougher university life, an environment with pinpoint focus on not creating and imagining, but learning and repeating. This was, however, not a reason for defeat.

Realizing the hardships of the professional world, the dishonesty, competitiveness, and betrayal among everyone, inching along to get ahead and leaving behind all values that in childhood we are taught to be essential, it then dawned upon him, the world of imagination and creation is not just a means for enjoyment, but also a means of refuge. An unbiased refuge from the darkness that shrouds the light of humanity in the world of today. A secondary world where the color red does not mean blood, but could be the radiance of the sun. A world where the photograph of the desert indicates not a land ravaged by war, but the simplicity of the winds caressing the desert sands in an eternal dance. A world where the sharpness of a blade meets not an unsuspecting victim, but gently kisses paper to produce beauty, this is the world he sought and what you seek, you eventually find.

Today, Ziad Alhaddad is a Doctor, training to be a Dermatologist to better serve mankind and humanity. He believes in a diverse, variegated form of art, limited not just to the strokes of a brush, but all it’s various forms of expression, whether from behind the paint brush, the lens of a camera, or as simple as a pen.

The variegated approach is not just limited to his hobbies, but also to the various activities he pursues in day to day life, ranging from reading novels, automotive drifting, indulging in the electrifying flavors of exotic teas and coffees, writing and composition, and lastly, video games.