Mayhem Zer0

Mayhem Zer0

A Borderlands 3 poster design that took me around 45 hours to make in Procreate, it is basically line art, but it was a maddening amount of lines. Titlted Mayhem Zer0 it’s a compilation of many borderlands characters, enemies and places from the game franchise, the only exception in the artwork however was, Zer0 himself, as sort of an inside joke if you will.

I started creating this for a borderlands art contest before the release of Borderlands 3, however, i couldn’t finish it in time, so i simply finished it after the contest closed, the characters used were from the entirety of the franchise, and i couldn’t take a lot from Borderlands 3 as the game wasn’t released yet, and i was going on based on whatever screenshots i had then.

Borderlands 3 Poster

Borderlands 3 Poster

One of my favorite characters was Zer0, and i wanted to create something sort of creative instead of just some regular character fan art, so i ended up with a big mashup of Borderlands characters, portraying the number Zer0 as shown on (you guessed it) Zer0’s Helmet.

Some of my favorite parts of this design are Handsome Jack, the random Psycho, FL4K pets, Claptrap and the Helios moonbase orbiting above Pandora’s moon Elpis.

I did plan to make more Borderlands 3 artworks, but i never gotten to it, probably because of how time consuming this was to make, Pyscho Krieg and the Borderlands 3: Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC is a prime idea though.

Zer0 the Assassin

Zer0 the Assassin

Sure, Borderlands 2 had Zer0 as a playable character, but this quote comes from Borderlands 3 and the brief moments you encounter Zer0 in. This was the minimalist version of my other Borderlands 3 poster design basically, i am trying to improve my minimalism in art, as i always have the belief in life that “less is more”, even though i always end up complicating or over complicating my own art and composition, i’ll get there one day.